About David Connor

David is our amateur economist and political philosopher, weather enthusiast, killer Sudoku fan, and best darn game analyst we've found.

In the twenty or so years since graduating college David has completely changed his gaming practices. Where once he played mostly video games with the occasional swing at blackjack at land-based casinos, David switched course and became a regular Sudoku player. David says that he likes the intellectual challenge of solving difficult problems.

Since he began playing Sudoku in earnest, David has discovered Kakuro and Hidato which form his Big Three set of gaming pastimes. David also branches out into blackjack and video poker online enjoying the same intellectual challenge. Now he uses his strategic skills to increase his odds online - rather than spending a lot of money on the ancillary costs of gambling at a land-based casino.

So, today, David plays casino games only at online casinos. He prefers what he calls “head-scratching games”. All the pokers, in particular.

Here are a few more things about David you might find interesting:

  • He likes to cook but doesn’t like using recipes.
  • He has reluctantly admitted that American-style football is the Dodo bird of sports because of the dangers to players’ brains.
  • He likes all different kinds of weather.
  • He has kept a pair of high-top walking shoes and still wears them to walk in in the morning even though they are objectively fallen apart because “they are the most comfortable shoes I have ever had!”

Articles by David:

New Law Will Raise More Than $20,000,000

The recently completed Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association Convention was noteworthy for several reasons. The Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association (OIGA) is a partnership of several local tribes that each operates …

1,000,000s of Dollars Won

There is a lot of talk these days about progressive jackpots. One reason is that free no deposit bonuses are now so prevalent that many players, using their bonus …