Casino News

Casino News is what Slots Play Casinos is really all about. Throughout SPC we cover the latest in bonuses, promotions, games and all other aspects of the casino world – land based or online.

But in this section we’ll scan what new major changes are going on in the casino/gaming/gambling industry as a whole. Whether it be what’s new in Vegas (a lot – you’d be surprised), Macau, or any of the other hundreds of casino hot-spots. We’ll also cover the online casino industry – new casinos, old casinos, life-changing wins, and all other news of interest. Stay tuned…

Technology Drives the Online Casino Business

Two recent developments in online casino gaming technology point to the importance of technological advances in the industry. Technological improvements and advancements have spurred the casino market since the …

In Defense of Wagering Requirements

Online casinos are in a major growth phase as some states are starting to allow them to operate in their jurisdictions and are fully regulating them. The Unlawful Internet …