August 13, 2024 by

How to Avoid Tilt in Casino Gaming

Here at Slots Play Casinos, we recognize that avoiding tilt is a major challenge for casino players.  First of all, we contend that tilt is a much bigger stumbling block at land-based casinos than it is at an online casino.  We also know that of all the games that people play at casinos, poker is the game that generates tilt to a much greater degree than any other game.

Still, any game can generate tilt in players.  Also, there are many situations that have nothing to do with any casino that can and do generate tilt.  So, here we would like to explore the real-life phenomenon of tilt, its ramifications, and how people can avoid it.

What is Tilt?

Tilt, as the term is commonly used, is an irrational loss of self-control to the point of abject anger, usually directed at another player or person, who had nothing to do with what set off the tilting person.

So, while we use the term road rage for tilt that occurs on roadways and especially on highways, road rage is tilt in every way!  We have air rage for people travelling by air.  We have Black Friday rage as people fight almost to the death for a sale item.  We have heard of supermarket rage.  We have even invented a term for women who tilted during the Covid 19 crisis: Karens.

The prominence of Karens during the Covid 19 crisis led to many men taking up the role of Karen.  These men have become known as Kevins!

While the virus has come and gone, the existence of Kevins and Karens lurking behind bushes and trees and anywhere else they can lurk remains.

Why Do Some People Lose Self-control Irrationally?

It is unfortunate that some people are emotionally immature.  They are prone to irrational outbursts of anger. There is an entire branch of psychology called anger management.  We don’t have space nor expertise to comment on anger management techniques.  Still, we can say that if a casino gamer experiences tilt, he or she should stop playing immediately.

Tilt in casino gaming often leads to players making egregious gaming and betting mistakes.  One such mistake is to throw good money after bad.  If this is a big mistake in investments, then it is also a very big mistake in a casino.

Sports Betting Can Lead to Tilt

In sports betting, a coach’s decision often costs a bettor his or her bet.  If the bettor is not firmly prepared emotionally for losses, he or she might express very negative feelings towards the coach.

Which Casino Games Produce the Most Tilt?

There are really no casino games that generate tilt more often than others.  We are aware of tilt in poker when a series of bad luck draws or bad beats can get even the most equanimous player to the brink of tilt.  In poker, tilt can result in big losses as the player may stay in a pot without any sound reason to do so.

Even slots can cause tilt if a gamer comes oh so close to a big jackpot but, in the end, suffers a sizable loss.  Blackjack players often get angry at another player at the table who is playing correctly which means hitting with 12 or more points on many hands.

How Can a Gamer Combat Tilt in Other Players?

Here is where online casino gaming outshines land-based gambling by leaps and bounds.  At an online casino, gamers can and should play for short periods of time.  We always suggest setting 30-60 minutes for a gaming session at an online casino since the casino is available all the time!

Why play longer?

At a land-based casino, players have the incentive to play for very long stretches of time.  This leads to fatigue, bathroom distress, hunger, and other physical signs that, if not taken care of immediately, can lead to an explosion down the road.

Now, it is true that if a player tilts, he or she presents risk only to themselves, most of the time.  There are times, however, where a tilting person does present a risk to others.  This is simply another reason to play casino games online.

How to Combat Tilt in Oneself

The first thing you need is complete honesty and self-awareness.  If you know that you fly off the handle too often, you likely need to get some professional help.  For someone prone to excessive anger, playing casino games for real money can be a surefire trigger to emotional outbursts.

Play for Free

Here is another area where online casinos shine.  The best online casinos offer unlimited free play.  So, if you love the slots but do not want to risk money and the emotional stress the loss of money brings, you can play for free at most online casinos.

You can’t play for free at land-based casinos.

Stay Home

Travelling is such a hassle these days, especially air travel, that a person who is susceptible to tilt may already be primed for that reaction to even a minor bad beat by the palpably unhappy feeling air travel gives to so many people these days.

Get a Pet

A pet to cuddle with is often a remedy for the emotional highs and lows that many people experience.

Develop a Hobby

We actually recommend that people develop several hobbies.  Very few people have just one thing they so much like doing.  A hobby does not have to be an everyday thing any more than online casino gaming has to be an everyday thing.

So, one day you bake cookies to take to the office.  One day you read a chapter in a book you like.  One day you stream a movie.  One day, you go for a long walk in a forested area.

Many so-called hobbies are also better when we do them with other people or that one special other person.  Baking cookies with another person is a great activity.  Streaming a movie with another person can be quite romantic.  Taking a long walk with another person often puts people in a very good mood.

And playing online casino games curled up with your significant other can be therapeutic.

Slots Play Casinos Covers the Benefits of Online Casino Gaming

We do compare online casino gaming with land-based casino playing and the online variety always comes out ahead.  This is true even as we do recognize the enduring allure of land-based casinos.

We also do our best to iterate and reiterate that online casino gaming should always be a fun and entertaining activity.  Keeping sessions short leads to that emotional outcome.  Setting healthy monetary budgets also leads to happy gaming even if you lose.

Just as driving on an interstate on a busy day for road travel is an activity better avoided so is playing online casino games for real money for too much money and for too long stretches of time.

Everything in moderation is a great mantra for many things including online casino gaming.

To read about the latest news and goings-on in the online casino market…


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Jack Marsh enjoys examining the world around him from many different points of view: the mathematical, the psychological, the political, and the philosophical.

He will write from a mathematical perspective on why the cards fall the way they do, from a psychological perspective on why gamblers gamble the way they do, from a political perspective on why forms of entertainment that are encouraged in one place are prohibited in another, and from a philosophical perspective on the nature of happiness ... [Read Jack Marsh full bio]