September 16, 2024 by

Slots Play Casinos Goes All-in on Walking

Slots Play Casinos is mainly an advocate for online casino gaming.  While we recognize that gamers are still attracted to land-based casinos, we feel that online casinos have a big advantage over their land-based counterparts.

There are quite a few areas in which online casinos have it all over land-based casinos.  One less obvious area in which online casinos are better than land-based casinos is walking.  Walking is as much a part of good, healthy, fun gaming as is learning the best strategy for blackjack and video poker.

How Does Walking Make Online Casino Gaming Better?

Actually, walking would make land-based casino gaming better as well but a lot fewer players at land-based casinos walk.  Walking is a great way to keep our body healthy as we will see.

Why Don’t Land-based Casino Players Walk?

Because players at land-based casinos do not like to give up a seat.  And, if they do go out for a walk, they will indeed give up their seat.  Online casinos have no seats to give up!  Gamers can go from game to game or from casino to casino without any concern about giving up their seat.

The truth is that plenty of land-based casino players do go out for a walk but the fate of their gaming when they return to the casino concerns them.  Online casino gamers have no such concerns.

Why is it Hard to Go for a Walk?

There is a scientific principle called inertia.  This means that a body at rest tends to stay at rest and a moving body tends to continue moving.  The nature of land-based casino gaming is such that a person will, without being consciously aware of the fact, follow the principle of inertia and stay at a screen for hours.

There is the same temptation for online casino gamers but it is a lot weaker.  Online gamers can get up whenever they want to.

Walking is a Great Way to Stay Healthy

There is some scientific evidence that humans, like so many other mammals, were designed to stand and move.  Standing in and of itself is hard to do.  There is a Chinese exercise protocol called Zhan Zhuang which translates as “standing like a tree”.  It involves standing straight upright without moving.  There are several different ways to hold your arms in Zhan Zhuang.

The most basic position has the hands down at your side.  Standing like this for ten minutes is hard!

Getting up from a Sitting Position is Important

Standing strengthens your long muscles.  It stretches muscles, ligaments, and other body tissue.  It gets your blood flowing especially to your extremities.  It stimulates your metabolism.  Some research has found that just standing up from a prolonged period of sitting is good for your heart.

We are not experts in this field by any means so the many reports of the deleterious effects of too much sitting may actually be apocryphal.  Keep in mind, however, that scientists claim that just a few minutes of standing up to stretch and some movement can prevent many degenerative illnesses.

How Much Should I Stand?

Actually, we prefer movement rather than just standing.  This is especially good for online casino gamers who can go to the kitchen, to the bathroom, or just walk outside for a few minutes.  Land-based casino players are a lot less willing to stand for a few minutes every half hour.

“My seat; oh, my seat”.

We always recommend relatively short gaming sessions.  This gives gamers the natural inclination to move about.  Three to six minutes per hour of walking around is considered good.  Land-based casino players never budget 30-60 minutes for a session!  They are in the casino for the long haul and, in this situation, the long haul does not include going out for a walk.

When you go out for a walk, it doesn’t have to be a fast-paced venture about town.  Something between an Olympic power walk and a useless saunter is best.

What Else Can I Do to Improve Health?

Before we leave the walking motif, we should explore all possibilities under walking.  For example, have a meeting by walking.  This will work if your meeting is with a relatively small group or just you and one other.

Walk up the stairs.  We do not recommend the boring exercise of walking up and walking down and walking up the stairs again.  This exercise is so boring we almost fell asleep writing about it.

But, if you work on the 20th floor, you can take the elevator to the 15th floor and walk up five floors.

Read while standing or walking.  This might be a bit dangerous if you do it outdoors but you can do it in the yard or just in the house.  It may not involve a lot of walking but in the time you do it, your body will experience all of the benefits of not sitting.

Swimming and Bicycling are Great for Body and Soul

These are very popular activities that will enhance your overall health.  When you feel great, any online casino gaming you do will feel better.  Bicycling has an inherent cost: bicycle, helmet, pads, etc.  Still, if you like to bicycle, you can save up for the costly equipment and then you will have amazing health.

Dancing is also great.  It is best to dance at your own physical level in the same way as playing poker at your level is better than trying to win money from more seasoned players.

Get a Fun Hobby

This one is interesting.  Gamers who have fun hobbies usually have more fun gaming at an online casino.  There are literally hundreds of things people do as a hobby.  One person’s boring chore us another person’s all-time great hobby.

The Bottom Line is…

Online casino gaming is a fun and entertaining activity.  Gamers should stand and move about at least once every 30 minutes.  Walking, swimming, bicycling, and other activities are great ways to improve blood circulation, general health, and a healthy mental state.  This is a lot easier to achieve at an online casino than at a land-based casino.

Slots Play Casinos strives to give gamers the best information about casino gaming in general and especially about online casino gaming.  We have guides, reviews, and articles about all aspects of online casino gaming.

For the best information about gaming at an online casino…


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Laurie Renfield has been part of the casino scene for both print and virtual media outlets for over two decades. Renfield's research focuses on both land-based casino entertainment and online casino gambling. She is dedicated to making sure that, regardless of where a player decides to compete, they'll achieve the best gambling experience and the most satisfying rewards.

Renfield's mantra for articles to share with our readers is to pick the most relevant and critical subjects for readers to ... [Read Laurie Renfield full bio]