December 26, 2023 by

Social Media! Here Comes Jackpot Capital!

Here at Slots Play Casinos, we keep abreast of everything happening in the online casino milieu. One of the things we pay close attention to is how online casinos reach a broader and more general public.

Today, we would like to focus on how Jackpot Capital online casino has started to use social media as a forum for reaching new gamers. Jackpot Capital social media is a relatively new format for the casino that we recommended years ago and still wholeheartedly recommend.

Social Media Present New Ways to Get in Touch with People

The key is to get in touch with people. In modern parlance that is called connecting with people or making connections with people. Connectivity is a not a modern idea but it has taken on an entirely new direction because of social media.

A Lot of People are Still Trying to Figure out Social Media

Social media also divide populations demographically. Older citizens might have no idea how to make their way around Meta which used to be called Facebook. The very fact that Facebook felt that it needed a name change meant that the name Facebook did not cover all the ground the company wanted and wants to cover so Meta was born.

Gamma Reaches out to People of All Ages

As we said, many older people do not know how to move around Meta. So, Jackpot Capital has found two ways to use social media to reach a broad spectrum of gamers, both present and future.

Jackpot Capital has an older woman mascot called Gamma. This year Gamma is travelling the wide world, stopping off here and there and sending her travels to… social media! Here is the Jackpot Capital link to Facebook:

Another way that Jackpot Capital relates to and connects with social media users is by recognizing important dates in history. For example, December 7th is the day the California Gold Rush began way back when. Here is the Jackpot Capital link to Pinterest:

Who Does Jackpot Capital Hope to Reach through Social Media?

We suspect, pretty much everyone. By recognizing dates from the far past on social media, Jackpot Capital can whet the interest of possible new gamers without falling into the modern pitfall of getting involved in politics. After all, politics are dividing people and Jackpot Capital wants to bring people together.

Glamma is the Most Modern of Grandmas

Glamma rides a motorcycle! She is the most adventurous sort out-adventuring most people many years younger than her. So, Glamma attracts the attention of older social media users for her elderliness and of younger social media users for her youthfulness.

Glamma Has Adventures

This entire year through 2024, Jackpot Capital will track Glamma’s Adventures. She also has a great promotion going called Glamma’s Wheel of Fortune. All gamers are invited to spin the wheel and hopefully win a top prize.

In December, Glamma will be in Aspen, Colorado, one of sixteen places in the world called Aspen. Most are in Sweden. Four are in the United States. One is in Germany and one is in everyone’s favorite place for a safari after South Africa, Kenya!

Glamma Loves Her Social Media Presence

Glamma is never one to shy away from an interesting conversation. So, Glamma makes herself known on X which used to be Twitter. Here is Glamma’s link to X:

Finally, Glamma has taken to taking pictures of everything from the view from her porch to people passing by. She uploads a lot of pictures to Instagram. You can follow Glamma on Instagram here:

What Does Jackpot Capital Offer Aside from Glamma and Social Media Links?

Jackpot Capital has a large library of games from the ubiquitous slots to table games and specialty games such as Fish Catch and Banana Jones. As much fun as slots and table games are, some gamers go straight to Banana Jones!  He is cuddly and happy to be able to entertain you.

In his own uniquely pudgy way, Banana Jones is a lot like Glamma!

Jackpot Capital has many ways to deposit and withdraw funds. The casino also runs many promotions that give gamers extra money to play with. All in all, we are happy to be able to recommend Jackpot Capital once again.

Slots Play Casinos Gives an Extra Shout out to Table Games at Jackpot Capital

We have noticed that a lot of land-based casinos now pay only 6-5 for a blackjack and 8-5 or 7-5 for a full house or flush in video poker.

Jackpot Capital always pays 3-2 for a blackjack and 9-6 in video poker. The casino is not unique among online casinos but as long as we are talking about Jackpot Capital, we wanted to make this clear!

Why Have Social Media Sites Become So Popular?

This question is asked mostly by older people who sometimes feel flummoxed by the proliferation of social media sites.

There is the standard and boring answer that social media helps people stay connected, helps people find information, and is a conduit for ideas and such. All well and good says Glamma. Glamma has a much better answer since she is a devoted follower of social media even as a senior citizen.

In Glamma’s explanation there are three aspects of social media that are important:

  1. Humans are social creatures.
  2. The medium is the message.
  3. Social media expand one’s mind in ways that nothing else could ever do in all of human history.

Humans are, Indeed, Social Animals

We are not the only social animals but we may be the most prolific social animals. We can expand our social side at any time we meet someone from a different culture. Social media makes it a lot easier to do that!

Marshall McLuhan Had No Idea How Right He Was

Marshall McLuhan was a philosopher who coined the phrase, the medium is the message. Social media deliver the message to billions of people every day. Nothing else has ever been able to do that!

Glamma Loves to Expand Her Mind

Clearly, social media, by far, are a conduit for mind-blowing connections with people. As many different places as Glamma will visit in her year of adventures, she couldn’t possibly meet as many people in person as he can meet through social media!

Slots Play Casinos Continues to be a Major Force in the Online Casino Milieu

We keep abreast of as many things as we can that relate to online casino gaming. We are thrilled to be able to track Glamma and Jackpot capital in the coming year.


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David is our amateur economist and political philosopher, weather enthusiast, killer Sudoku fan, and best darn game analyst we've found.

In the twenty or so years since graduating college David has completely changed his gaming practices. Where once he played mostly video games with the occasional swing at blackjack at land-based casinos, David switched course and became a regular Sudoku player. David says that he likes the intellectual challenge of solving difficult problems.

Since he began playing Sudoku in earnest, David has ... [Read David Connor full bio]