August 22, 2024 by

The Importance of Fun

Here at Slots Play Casinos, we emphasize the fun side of online casino gaming.  We also recognize that there is a fun side to playing at land-based casinos.  We do feel, however, that gaming at online casinos, such as the 30 and more casinos we have reviewed and recommended, is more fun and is better fun than travelling to a land-based casino to play.

Here we would like to explore online casino gaming as a fun activity, how to keep it fun, and why it is more fun than playing at a land-based casino.

What is a Fun Activity?

We would like to stay as simple as possible so we will say that a fun activity has just a few elements:

  1. A fun activity is so much fun that we are able to spend a lot of time doing it and lose track of time.
  2. A fun activity is one that we enjoy coming back to often.
  3. A fun activity puts a smile on our faces.
  4. Fun activities make us laugh.

How Does Online Casino Gaming Fit Here?

People do lose track of time when they are enjoying any activity including online casino gaming.  If you are enjoying working on or simply “doing” your hobby, we here at Slots Play Casinos have nothing to say about the time involved in that hobby.

We do have something to say about online casino gaming and we compare it to what occurs over and over at land-based casinos.

Set Time Limits on Online Casino Gaming

Casino gaming involves making bets on the outcomes of games.  As such, it is gambling.  However, since all online casinos are open around the clock, we encourage relatively short gaming sessions.  You can always come back to the casino tomorrow or the next day.

And when you do set time limits on online casino gaming, you can easily change the gambling side of it into gaming.  This is a lot harder to do at any land-based casinos.  Whether you are there for a few hours or a few days, it is very difficult to spend the money and enduring the many hassles of travelling to a land-based casino just to be able to play casino games there.  In addition, online casinos offer unlimited free play, unlike land-based casinos which offer no free play at all.

Time Limits Also Involve Monetary Limits

Online casinos make it easy to set a sound monetary limit on gaming.  This is, once again, a lot harder to do at a land-based casino.

So, now we have arrived at the losing track of time side of any fun activity.  If you are playing online casino games in the casino’s free play mode, there is no need to set a time limit.  If you are putting real money down on the outcomes, you should set a sound time limit on playing.

In that way, gambling becomes gaming and ipso facto becomes a fun activity.

We Can Have Fun Alone or with Others

Here is another way that online casino gaming is much more fun than land-based casino playing.  At an online casino, we can play for a short period of time with our significant other and turn it into a romantic interlude.  This is a lot harder to do in public at a land-based casino.

Some land-based casinos now offer in-house mobile gaming so that couples can have that romantic interlude in their hotel room!  We say, stay home, save all that money, and have the same kind of fun at an online casino!

People Come Back to a Fun Activity Often

Online casino gaming fits here perfectly.  So do all of the many hobbies people enjoy.  Where one person loves to cook or bake, another person prefers taking long, leisurely walks.  Each to his or her own fun activities.  The big point is that a fun activity should draw you in often.

How Does Online Casino Gaming Draw People In?

The key element in the fun side of online casino gaming is that these casinos offer hundreds of games.  There is no waiting at all at an online casino.  This is the opposite of what often happens at a land-based casino where a player may have to wait, usually very impatiently, for a terminal to become open.

Since online casino gaming is available every day, it is possible for a gamer to play every game a casino has to offer over time.  In addition, with Instant Play, a gamer can sample the games from several game providers, all the while lounging comfortably at home!

Bonuses are Like a Giant Magnet

Online casinos also draw people in with great Welcome Packages.  These promotions are often worth up to several thousands of dollars in bonuses.  Gamers do not have to take advantage of the entire bonus offered, of course.  Most gamers take a part of any deposit bonus offered.  Still, the very act of taking a bonus and gaming with the casino’s money puts a big smile on gamers’ faces!

Land-based casinos do not offer deposit bonuses.  This is because gamers complete the wagering requirement, which prevents gamers from cashing out right away, over a period of time longer than any player would be at a land-based casino.

Playing a Lot of Slots Makes Gamers Laugh

At land-based casinos, people tend to play one or two slots for long stretches of time.  At an online casino, gamers have 200 or more slots to choose from and most gamers play them all over time.  When you add in the slots offered by a different game provider at a different online casino, you get as many as 1000 (or more) slots to play.

One trend that we are seeing in slots is that they are using humor to “tell a story”.  In so doing, modern slots are making gamers laugh.  Many players at land-based casinos never even play the slots that online gamers are enjoying to the point of laughing out loud.

Having Fun is a Human Need

Online casinos are doing a great job of providing opportunities for gamers to have fun spinning a few reels, or playing a few hands in the many card games online casinos offer.  Online casinos do not expect their games to be the only games people play and enjoy nor do they think that people will only play games to have fun.

Online casinos simply offer their games as one source among hundreds of sources of fun and gaming enjoyment.

Slots Play Casinos Strives to Make Online Casino Gaming More Fun

We see it as our task to help gamers get the most game out of online casino gaming.  We offer casino reviews and recommendations, game reviews, strategy guides to games, and many other guides to happy and fun gaming.


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David is our amateur economist and political philosopher, weather enthusiast, killer Sudoku fan, and best darn game analyst we've found.

In the twenty or so years since graduating college David has completely changed his gaming practices. Where once he played mostly video games with the occasional swing at blackjack at land-based casinos, David switched course and became a regular Sudoku player. David says that he likes the intellectual challenge of solving difficult problems.

Since he began playing Sudoku in earnest, David has ... [Read David Connor full bio]