September 9, 2024 by

Tips from Experienced Online Casino Gamers

Here at Slots Play Casinos, we hear from many readers.  One of the frequent requests we get is to codify “tips” experienced gamers might give.  So, we will put on our experienced gamer hat and deliver a few solid tips for online casino gamers.

Tip #1: Play Online

Well, yeah!

This is less the obvious first tip that so many gamers are looking for but it is really important.  Remember, the request was for the best tips from experienced online casino gamers.  If any group knows how much better online casino gaming is over land-based casino gaming, it would be the experienced online casino gamers.

Okay.  What Do Online Casinos Have That Land-based Casinos Don’t Have?

There is a long list!

  1. Big deposit bonuses.
  2. Free spins.
  3. Free play.
  4. No waiting.
  5. No travel costs.
  6. More games.
  7. Higher return to player rates.

All of these benefits of playing at an online casino taken together make the online casino gaming experience a lot better than the land-based experience.  We find that the first five items on the list are either obvious or they become obvious once they are articulated.  The last two are not obvious.

How Are there More Games at an Online Casino?

There is a bigger variety of slots at any top online casino.  The simple reason is that online casinos never have to take out terminals to make room for new terminals.  So, online casinos can still carry classic slots that maybe a handful of gamers will play over the course of a year.

No land-based casino could afford to carry a slot like that.

Play Video Poker and Blackjack at Online Casinos

Online casinos can carry many variations of blackjack and video poker.  Blackjack tables take up a lot of space so land-based casinos may have one or two.  The game might not be the type of blackjack you want to play.  The minimum bet might be too high.

Let’s Spin the Roulette Wheel

Online casinos have the space to carry European Roulette.  Land-based casinos in the United States carry American Roulette.  European Roulette has a much higher return-to-player rate than American Roulette has.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Online casinos carry specialty games such as Fish Catch and Banana Jones.

Online Casinos Offer a Lot of Flexibility

With Instant Play, online gamers can go from one casino to another while at a land-based casino, players have two difficulties playing a different set of games.  One, the land-based casino might be a stand-alone casino.  This is especially true of casinos on Native American land.  The second is that even in a place like Las Vegas where there are many casinos, a player has to brave the weather to walk the long distance between casinos.

It gets hot in Las Vegas in the summer.  In the winter it might rain.  If it’s cold and you need a coat, you have to keep your eye on it when you take it off.

How Are There Higher Return-to-Player Rates at Online Casinos?

Land-based casinos have to maximize revenue so they do three things that maximize revenues a lot.

In slots, a lot of land-based casinos have the random number generator in slots calibrated to have a return to player rate of about 90%.  Online casinos have a 96-97% return to player rate in slots.

A lot of land-based casinos pay only 6-5 for a blackjack while online casinos can still pay 3-2.

Land-based casinos pay only 8-5 or 7-5 for a full house and a flush in video poker while a good online casino will pay 9-6.

So, all in all, the number one tip of experienced online casino gamers is to play online!

Tip #2:  Play a Lot of Different Games

We have already touched on this advantage of online casino gaming.  The tip is number two because land-based casino players tend to get in a rut and stick with one game for way too long.

The tip reminds gamers to play a variety of games.  That will add a lot of variety to your gaming experience.

Tip #3: Set Limits

At a land-based casino, it is hard to set money and time limits since people come for a few hours or a couple of days tops.  So, having spent a sizable amount of money getting to and staying at the casino, players try to get their money’s worth.

Online casinos are always “open” so there is no need to play on and on and to gamble excessively.

Tip #4: Never Use a Betting System

If any betting system did work, it would have bankrupted all casinos long ago.  The key flaw in any betting system is that they don’t take into account that short losing streaks are common.  If you double the next bet after a losing bet in a system like the Martingale, you will quickly have to make a ridiculous bet just to win back your original bet.

As you can see, this tip applies to land-based casinos as well.

Tip #5: Never Drink Alcohol while Gaming

Alcohol reduces brain function and, even in slots which are a pure game of chance, reduced brain function can lead to a gamer making foolish bets.

Let’s say that you get lucky and you are $100 ahead.  With a clear mind, you will try to finish the session with those $100 intact.  With a little alcohol swirling around in your brain, you might be tempted to make a bet that would have been too high at the start of the session.

Tip #6: Stay Calm

The poker term for an uncalm mindset is tilt.  If you follow the tips we are presenting here, you will be able to accept losses along with wins with a clear mind.

Tip #7: Stretch and Go to the Bathroom

We know that at land-based casinos, a lot of people try to hold it.  This is very bad for playing casino games for real money and it is very unhealthy as well.  Some players at a land-based casino are so determined to continue playing despite Nature’s calls because they don’t want to give up their seat or their terminal.

Online casino gamers, especially people over 50 years of age, know that when they stand to stretch, they feel the need to go to the bathroom.  Stretching is very important and going to the bathroom is also very important.

Tip #8: Take the Bonuses Casinos Offer

Some people say that bonuses are a rip-off.  This is not so in the eyes of many online casino gamers.  If a gamer expects to lose money in the long run, then using the casino’s own money to extend the long run is a good thing and it makes online casino gaming a lot more fun.

Tip #9: Have Fun!

So, this is the real bottom line of online casino gaming!  Slots Play Casinos is all-in on fun!  Fun makes gaming gaming.  The absence of fun makes it gambling and we are against gambling!  We are in favor of playing online casino games for free or for real money as a way to have fun!

Slots Play Casinos strives to help gamers get the most fun out of casino gaming.


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Laurie Renfield has been part of the casino scene for both print and virtual media outlets for over two decades. Renfield's research focuses on both land-based casino entertainment and online casino gambling. She is dedicated to making sure that, regardless of where a player decides to compete, they'll achieve the best gambling experience and the most satisfying rewards.

Renfield's mantra for articles to share with our readers is to pick the most relevant and critical subjects for readers to ... [Read Laurie Renfield full bio]