May 23, 2024 by

What Makes a Casino One of the Best for USA Gamers?

Slots Play Casinos has reviewed and recommended many of the best online casinos for USA players. The question remains: what makes an online casino good for USA players?

The Law in the USA Creates Some Complications

This question is not as simple as it seems.  There is a law called the Unlawful Internet Gambling and Enforcement Act.  This law was added to a different law as it made its way through the American legislative process.  In some way, the law was an afterthought designed to protect land-based casinos.

The fact that the law references only online casinos is a dead giveaway as to the intent of the law.  This law is widely misunderstood.  It does not make internet gaming illegal at the level of the central government.  It leaves the regulation and legality of internet gaming to the states, of which there are 50.  So, internet gaming is legal in some states but not in most states.


The UIGEA spoke only about the way gamers fund their internet gaming.  In other words, if a gamer could find a legal way to fund his or her gaming, it would be perfectly legal in the terms of the UIGEA.

Protecting Professional and Amateur Sports

The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, called PASPA, was passed in 1992.  A few states were allowed to grandfather their then legal sports betting laws while all other starts were subject to PASPA.

The United States Supreme Court declared this law to be unconstitutional in 2018 because it violated the plain meaning of the Tenth Amendment.

If all of this talk about the individual states deciding, the United States legislature passing laws, the Supreme Court overturning laws two decades after the law was passed and the subtleties of the United States constitution all seem too hard to grasp, you are not alone.

So, hereon in, we will talk about great online casinos that cater to United Staes gamers what these casinos have to offer.

Americans Like to Play Casino Games, Poker, and to Make Sports Bets

Therefore, an online casino that offers at least two of these three options would have to be considered a top online casino for USA players.  Everygame Casino has a sports betting adjunct and a poker room!  Juicy Stakes offers both casino gaming and poker.

How Can a Gamer in the USA Determine the Reliability of an Online Casino?

This is where Slots Play Casinos does a lot of the legwork for gamers.  We have reviewed over 30 excellent online casinos.  We tell gamers if they can play at those casinos if they live in the US.

The fact is that most only casinos and sports books accept players and bettors from the US!

What Makes an Online Casino Top of the Line?

This is a much more satisfying question than which casinos accept American players!

Let’s start with the safety of gamers’ money.  The best online casinos, poker rooms, and sportsbooks use top of the line encryption software to scramble data so that only people with a need to know can know your details.

A top online casino will state upfront what its policy is to protect the privacy of players.  A top online casino may ballyhoo its games but always prioritizes safety, security, and privacy.  All of the casinos we recommend do so.  No online casino that fails this most important test could earn Slots Play Casino’s recommendation.

The Best Online Casinos for USA Players Have Games from the Top Game Providers

As online casinos have proliferated in the last two decades, so have game providers.  But it takes a great team of creative game developers for a provider to stay at the top.  One way is to bring out a new slot every month.  When a game provider does that, the casinos it serves can run a New Game promotion.

The Best Online Casinos Have a Multitude of Promotions

The Welcome Bonus at online casinos has segued into the Welcome Package of bonuses.  These bonuses easily exceed one thousand dollars in total.  Many get above $5000 in total.  The bonus rate is also important in online casino bonuses.  A bonus rate of 100% is no longer considered great.  It is mainstream.  200% is still considered great.  Jackpot Capital, a casino we follow and recommend, is running a monthly series of promotions that coincide with their Glamma’s Adventures adventure.  The bonus rate for the bonuses they offer is in the 220% range!

The Best Online Casinos for US Players Offer Comp Points

Some online casinos call these comp points and some call them loyalty points.  Ultimately, they are the same.  When you play, you collect points that you can later redeem for casino credits.

Now, it is true that land-based casinos also offer comp points.  The difference is that online casinos are available every day on a 24/7 basis.  Most players at a land-based casino can come back to that casino perhaps once a year or less frequently.  That means that comp points collected at a land-based casino often sit on a player’s card, in a drawer, figuratively collecting dust while comp points grow fast for online casino gamers.

The Best Online Casinos for US players are Online!

Online casinos offer much greater comfort and convenience than land-based casinos offer.  We have touched on a few points thus far.  Another great aspect of online casinos is that the best casinos offer mobile gaming as well as desktop gaming.

When we look at the short history of casino gaming, we see a long period of time when the only way to play was at a legal land-based casino.  Most locations in the United States did not have legal casino gaming.  Then Native Americans were given the right (actually their right was recognized) to open land-based casinos on Native American land.

Then casinos became legal in many other locations in the United States.

In 1994, the first online casino entered the market which today is home to a few thousand online casinos.  Land-based casino gaming was popular from the outset.  The law that makes it difficult, but not impossible for financial institutions such as banks and credit cards to channel money to online casinos, were put in place to protect land-based casinos.

That fact is that that ship has sailed!  Mobile is by far the most popular way to play casino games and mobile gaming was introduced by online casinos.  There is something quite odd about a land-based casino offering mobile gaming in their hotel rooms but many land-based casinos do offer such gaming these days because players like to play on their mobile device!

Slots Play Casinos Covers the Online Casino Market

SPC is growing with the online casino market.  We take in what is happening in online casino gaming and report back to you.  We have great delas with some affiliated casinos.  We also have published many reviews of casinos and games plus strategies for gaming and winning.


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Laurie Renfield has been part of the casino scene for both print and virtual media outlets for over two decades. Renfield's research focuses on both land-based casino entertainment and online casino gambling. She is dedicated to making sure that, regardless of where a player decides to compete, they'll achieve the best gambling experience and the most satisfying rewards.

Renfield's mantra for articles to share with our readers is to pick the most relevant and critical subjects for readers to ... [Read Laurie Renfield full bio]