All Best Online Casinos Reviews

Read all the lowdown on top online casinos; their games, promotions, and software, with expert reviews from Slots Play Casinos

Slots Play Casinos Goes All-in on Walking

Slots Play Casinos is mainly an advocate for online casino gaming.  While we recognize that gamers are still attracted to land-based casinos, we feel that online casinos have a big advantage over their land-based counterparts. There are quite a few areas in which online casinos have it all over land-based casinos.  One less obvious area in which online casinos are better than land-based casinos is walking.  Walking is as much …

Slots Play Casinos Talks Trends and Fun

As fun as online casino gaming has been fun since the first online casino came aboard in 1994, we here at Slots Play Casinos pay attention to developments in the online casino market. Developments Lead to Trends As and example of a development, let’s look at the introduction of the wagering requirement which made deposit bonuses practical for most online casinos.  Before the wagering requirement came along, some players took …

Tips from Experienced Online Casino Gamers

Here at Slots Play Casinos, we hear from many readers.  One of the frequent requests we get is to codify “tips” experienced gamers might give.  So, we will put on our experienced gamer hat and deliver a few solid tips for online casino gamers. Tip #1: Play Online Well, yeah! This is less the obvious first tip that so many gamers are looking for but it is really important.  Remember, …

Jackpot Capital’s Glamma is in …..Macau!

Here at Slots Play Casinos we like to report on happy events in the online casino world.  One of the happiest events throughout 2024 has been Glamma’s Adventures a promotion from Jackpot Capital, one of our recommended casinos. Who is Glamma? Glamma is a septuagenarian motorcycle mama who has been travelling all over the world this year taking in what she terms her “post-Covid bucket list”.  Before Covid, Glamma would …

Welcome the New Crash Game from SpinLogic

Slots Play Casinos is happy to report to gamers that a new type of game is coming very soon to many of the online casinos we recommend.  The game genre is called Crash.  The first crash game is called Galaxy Blast since you are viewing a rocket launch that will take you to a point far away in our galaxy. This game is simple to play.  You place a bet …

How to Use Strategy in Online Casino Gaming

Slots Play Casinos has a strategy guide for blackjack.  Still, online casinos offer many other games!  So here we will try to explain the best strategy in a few of the “other” games offered by online casinos. Pai Gow Poker This is a poker variation that “forces” gamers to think outside of the box.  The gamer and the dealer each get 7 cards.  You have to make one hand with …

Are Online Casino Games Rigged?

Slots Play Casinos is a major watchdog of trends, news, and gaming in general primarily for online casinos.  So, it is a natural question to ask if online casino games are rigged.  If they are, we are doomed to crash!  As are all online casinos! The quick and easy answer is: online casinos, the reputable ones and all of the more than 30 casinos we recommend, are highly regulated.  Some …

How to Avoid Tilt in Casino Gaming

Here at Slots Play Casinos, we recognize that avoiding tilt is a major challenge for casino players.  First of all, we contend that tilt is a much bigger stumbling block at land-based casinos than it is at an online casino.  We also know that of all the games that people play at casinos, poker is the game that generates tilt to a much greater degree than any other game. Still, …

How to Reduce Much of the House Edge

It is as true a truism that casinos have an inherent advantage over players.  Slots Play Casinos would like to talk about how online casino gamers can, if they are lucky and pay attention to detail, and do everything they can to play online casino games correctly, can, at times, win big at the online casino and take a large measure of the advantage away from the house. These strategies …

Desert Nights and Juicy Stakes Have Redesigned Their Sites for the Better

Many products, companies, logos, and other recognizable symbols get redesigned after a while.  There are many reasons why this is so.  Here Slots Play Casinos will focus on two online casino redesigns, for Desert Nights and for Juicy Stakes.  New designs are a major marketing tactic of many companies and, since online casinos are so young compared to many other companies, online casinos are just now beginning the redesign process. …

Staying Safe and Secure with Online Gaming

Online casino safety and security should be the foremost priority of any online casino gamer.  The same is true for land-based casino players but the nature of online casino gaming is such that everything the casino offers must be safe and secure. As much as we support online casino gaming for the fun, the entertainment value, the relaxation online casino games provide, and the challenge to play games of strategy …

What Does Slots Play Casinos Look for in an Online Casino?

Slots Play Casinos has conducted hundreds of online casino reviews.  Of these, we have chosen to recommend about 65.  It is a fair question to ask what we look for in an online casino when we review it and are impressed enough to recommend it. The Great Difference between an Online Casino and a Land-based Casino First, we have to understand the huge distinction we make between online casinos and …