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All Best Online Casinos Reviews
Read all the lowdown on top online casinos; their games, promotions, and software, with expert reviews from Slots Play Casinos
Many, but not all, online casinos have a blog, an articles section, or an online magazine. One of the many recurring themes in these writings is responsible gambling. As an online casino watchdog (primarily) we here at Slots Play Casinos talk about responsible online gambling. There are two main things we would like to talk about in this article: We constantly talk about taking the gambling out of real money …
Slots Play Casinos has reviewed and recommended many of the best online casinos for USA players. The question remains: what makes an online casino good for USA players? The Law in the USA Creates Some Complications This question is not as simple as it seems. There is a law called the Unlawful Internet Gambling and Enforcement Act. This law was added to a different law as it made its way …
Based on the feedback from gamers, we here at Slots Play Casinos understand that the free spins bonus is one of the many hallmarks of a great online casino. Online casinos have a lot more flexibility than land-based casinos do and therefore can offer many free spins bonuses while land-based casinos are hard pressed to offer even one such bonus! We have to point out here that a free spins …
There are a few different kinds of online casino bonuses. Here at Slots Play Casinos, we will start the discussion with deposit and no deposit bonuses. Some bonuses come with free spins. The comp points promotion that is so common at both online and land-based casinos is another kind of bonus since the redeemed casino credits are a form of found money. Land-based casinos cannot give deposit bonuses. We will …
Slots Play Casinos understands that every gamer is looking for an edge. That is one way of describing and defining our mission: to help gamers achieve an edge against the house. The best games to play to get an edge against the house are blackjack and video poker. These games have been studied through millions of hands and there is a general consensus as to what the best play is …
Here at Slots Play Casinos, we generally cover new casinos, new games, and we help our readers improve their gaming through our many gaming guides and articles. Now we would like to award kudos to Jackpot Capital online casino for their ongoing Glamma’s Adventures feature. In late March and throughout April, Glamma will be adventuring in London and surroundings and all over England at times! We love the chance to …
Most online casinos offer slots tournaments. Some casinos will run several online slot tournaments at the same time. Here at Slots Play Casinos we say that online slots tournaments are a great way to enjoy playing slots at little or no cost to the gamer at all. An online casino can vary the length of time the tournament will run so online casinos can offer a day-long tournament alongside a …
Most online casinos have a VIP program. All of the casinos that we recommend here at Slots Play Casinos have a VIP program. Some of the smaller, newer, less well monetized online casinos may not yet have VIP loyalty programs since these programs cost a lot of money to maintain and, by betting more than the average player, a VIP puts the casino at somewhat higher financial risk. So, a …
This is a very popular theme. Here at Slots Play Casinos we talk about online poker strategies primarily in regard to video poker. A lot of players also want to learn about strategies for online poker against real opponents. As you will see, the strategies for the two types of online poker are quite different. Video Poker Strategy The first thing to realize is that in video poker, gamers play …
This is a vast subject! When online casinos came aboard, there were just a few casino software providers. Today there are hundreds at least! Slots Play Casinos has reviewed a few casino software providers. Here we would like to talk about the elements that make a provider top grade or less. How Big Are the Creative Teams? All online casinos should want a new slot every month. All of the …
It costs a substantial amount of money to set up new online casinos. It costs even more money and time getting loans and building permits to put up a new land-based casino. Even Slots Play Casinos cannot keep track of all the new casinos that appear online. We are able to review many new online casinos. We have reviewed and recommended a few casinos that were set up in 2020. …
This is just about the most subjective question we hear here at Slots Play Casinos. One gamer’s top-rated casino games will be down on another gamer’s list! Still, we feel that there is a lot to talk about in this vein. So, let’s get to it! Why Do People Play Online Casino Games? Some people play simply to relax and unwind after they get home from work. Work is quite …