Ultimate Online Casino Guide

Slots Play Casinos have gathered together in one place EVERYTHING you need to know about online casino gaming. We guide you through the pros and cons of gambling online to ensure you always play safe, secure, get exclusive bonuses, understand game features and have the best casino online fun!

Jackpot Capital Sends Glamma on a Safari

Every month, Glamma of Jackpot Capital online casino travels to another exotic place on the planet to enjoy a wide range of activities and experiences.  Here at Slots Play Casinos, we salute Glamma and Jackpot Capital for their imaginative promotion, Glamma’s Adventures. So, this month Glamma is on safari in South Africa. The Big Five While safari goers can see many animals in the wild on safari, the Big Five …

Jackpot Capital’s Glamma is in Verona

As you know if you have been reading Slots Play Casinos for a while, we just love the Glamma’s Adventures promotion at Jackpot Capital.  Most online casinos have a mascot of sorts.  An Australian casino might feature a kangaroo or a koala bear. Glamma is a Different Kind of Mascot The difference between those animal mascots and Jackpot Capital’s Glamma is that she is believable as a person even as …

The New Ripper Casino Gets Two Thumbs up!!

Ripper Casino is a relatively new online casino.  It serves primarily the Australian gaming market but can be reached from many other countries.  Slots Play Casinos reviewed Ripper when it was inaugurated.  Now, we would like to add our approval of the new look Ripper Casino’s team has developed for better online casino gaming and a lot more. Ripper Casino is a far-looking online casino.  You can get a lot …

In McLuhan’s Eyes Online Casinos are More than Meet the Eye

Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian philosopher who hit on an idea and that idea has influenced a lot of people including us here at Slots Play Casinos. Mr. McLuhan’s groundbreaking idea I is encapsulated in the phrase, “the medium is the message”. There is a lot to digest in that statement and here we will talk about McLuhan’s insight as it relates to casino gaming in general and to online …

Slots Play Casinos Deep Dives into the Differences between Online and On-land Casinos

Here at Slots Play Casinos, we have covered the advantages gamers have playing at online casinos in numerous articles.  Here we would like to delve deeper than usual into the obvious convenience of online casino gaming. Online Casino Gaming is Realistic When you play at an online casino, you should set limits for yourself.  These limits are a framework for your casino gaming.  We urge gamers to set time and …

Casino Good and Not So Good Practices

Slots Play Casinos would like to delve into the world of both the good and the less good gamers’ practices at online and land-based casinos.  Good practices make for better gaming andd poor practices make for not-so-good gaming. Play at Land-based Casinos for the General Excitement Only Slots Play Casinos primarily reports on online casinos.  We feel that for most gamers online casinos offer a much more rounded form of …

Online Casinos Still Offer Better Casino Gaming

This is a subject that gets a lot of attention here at Slots Play Casinos and in many other venues.  Why is online casino gaming better than playing at a land-based casino?  Here we will cover some of the obvious reasons and a few of the much less obvious reasons. Online Casinos are a Lot More Convenient This is a “scoop-of-vanilla-scoop-of-chocolate-don’t-waste-my-time” advantage of online casinos.  Of course, online casinos are …

Let’s Join Jackpot Capital’s Glamma on a Cruise

This month, Jackpot Capital’s septuagenarian “mascot”, Glamma is on a cruise!   In all of her travels, Glamma has never been on a cruise before!  So, knowing Glamma as we here at Slots Play Casinos have come to know her, she must have done some super due diligence before going on the cruise. Jackpot Capital is One of Our Recommended Casinos Glamma’s Adventures is a continuing promotion for Jackpot Capital gamers.  …

Relative Benefits of Online versus Land-based Casinos

As readers know, we here at Slots Play Casinos primarily report on online casinos.  We readily acknowledge the draw of land-based casinos but focus our main attention online. We recently came across an article in Forbes from 2014 that perfectly describes the dubious attitude many people had just 10 years ago as exemplified in an article in a prominent economic journal.  In order not to distract you from this article, …

How does Artificial Intelligence Affect Online Casino Gaming?

Slots Play Casinos, like most people, is fascinated by artificial intelligence.  Artificial Intelligence has taken everyday life by storm so quickly and to such an extent that we no longer say artificial intelligence; rather we say AI. This is quite amazing.  AI now can direct advertising to us on our smartphones, tablets, or laptops.  AI knows what we want by our searches and by our conversations. AI can coordinate with …

Jackpot Capital’s Glamma is in the North Pole BRRRRR!

Jackpot Capital online casino is one of Slots Play Casino’s 30-something recommended casinos.  All this year they have been sending their vibrantly elderly mascot of sorts, Glamma, on adventure after adventure to some of the most exotic places in the world. Every month Glamma’s Adventures is a promotion in which Glamma travels to some wonderful place and brings her wheel along with her.  The casino adds bonuses.  The main bonus …

Slots Play Casinos Dives into the History of Blackjack

Have you ever wondered how a casino game got to be the way it is?  Here at Slots Play Casinos we do think about the history of some casino games.  We find it a fascinating subject.  We have just enough space here to cover the history and evolution of one online casino game.  So, let’s take a look at the history and evolution of blackjack. How Old is Blackjack? Miguel …